Post-Internet Culture

Miyö's curatorial work is a continuation of her own artistic investigation, incorporating the preservation and collection of immaterial art. She always highlights her curatorial work in Venezuela, as she and Helena Acosta were the first curators to create spaces where digital art could be presented in this Caribbean country.

BYOB Caracas

BYOB is a series of one-night-exhibitions curated by different people around the world. The idea is simple: Find a place, Invite many artists, Ask them to bring their projectors. BYOB is a way of making a big exhibition with zero budget. It is an exploration of the medium of projection.
BYOB is an idea by Rafaël Rozendaal and the first BYOB was organized by Anne de Vries & Rafaël Rozendaal in Berlin in 2010 and so far has been held in over 350 cities around the world.

Following this initiative of the curator Helena Acosta under Produccion Aleatoria, we organize and curated BYOB Caracas and their IV editions. 
BYOB Caracas was a group show, nonprofit and open to participation by all those interested artists. The artists intervene themselves carrying space its projection material (whatever it is), adapting and using freeform campus infrastructure. These events were an opportunity to explore the projection as a creative resource for space transformation. The digital art, and even more digital art movement, opens a wide range of discursive possibilities, while every video interacting with other pieces, this can generated endless readings, fostering a dynamic collaborative experience .

BYOB Caracas I

 CELARG, 2011

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BYOB Caracas II

COTRAIN - Film Training Institute in Caracas, Venezuela. 2011.

BYOB Caracas III: I want to Believe

MAC - Contemporary Museum of Art. Caracas, Venezuela. 2013

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BYOB Caracas IV

ONG - Nelson Garrido Organization. Caracas, Venezuela. 2014.

BYOB Tropical Paris

7 Rue d'Aubriot 75004 - Paris, France. 2014

The relations between Paris and Latin America have been mediated by art since more than 2 centuries. Institutions in Latin America traditionally tend to implement a French cultural model while in Paris last vanguards linked to aesthetic abstraction and kinetic art was carried out by Latin American artists. Groups like GRAV and Disidentes opened the doors to start an aesthetic infiltration in Paris,
but it is no longer necessary "trip to Paris" to be linked to the European art circuit, today cultural infiltration is possible through the Internet.
Continuing this important labor and permanent interest in highlighting the local art movement and the rich aesthetic production conceived especially in Latin America, the curators Rolando J. Carmona and Miyö Van Stenis would present in one of the most iconic cities for worldwide culture, BYOB Tropical Paris. This project aims to build a new chapter between France and Latin America. In this case the intention is to establish a dialogue between the production of a group of Latin American artists and some key players in the European Media Art.

SPAMM Dulce, 2013
@ MAC - Contemporary Museum of Caracas.

S.P.A.M.M. or Super Modern Art Museum is an international platform of Internet artists, a space open to digital creation, a decentralized alternative to the elitism of contemporary art. Founded in 2011 by the French net-artist Systaime, SPAMM is the emanation of a net-culture that defends an open access to creation and appropriation by digital artists of their work and exhibition space.

In an era dominated by immediacy, visual arts migrate to the field of virtuality, a space that unites us all and where we globally reside. Contemporary digital artists generate new concepts and relationships that challenge the art world with immaterial proposals of codes and programming, positioning themselves in a techno-social sphere where the format allows the artwork to be consumed openly, publicly, and infinitely within the domains of the Web.

S.P.A.M.M Dulce is the cry of a generation. S.P.A.M.M Dulce is a free movement, a collaborative and creative space for art that transcends homes and lives in the heart of machines, a new art for a new generation of artists, curators, and collectors.

Curators: Helena Acosta, Miyö Van Stenis & Systaime.

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